The Flying Jazz Kittens
The Flying Jazz Kittens (FJK) book series was created by Sherry as an elementary school introduction to the magic of jazz. Using hands on-activities, kid-friendly songs and instruments, FJK brings jazz to life for young learners in a fun, easy to understand and accessible way. Sherry, a jazz bassist, was motivated to create this series to assist the elementary school educator teach young learners how to explore jazz rhytms, and beginning improvisation. The lessons and activities offered in these three volumes have been used by Sherry in her own classroom and have been edited with the help of other music educators, and other jazz musicians. Each activity is simple with multiple variations so they can be adapted easily for each class. Everything you need to get started is right here. You and your students can take off and create your own blues songs. The possibilities are endless!!
Sherry says, " It has been a labor of love to write this series and I hope you and your students find it as much fun as I did putting it together."